

  Argribusniess Logistic & Tech
Agribusiness Logistic & Tech
Agribusiness Logistic & Tech Company Limited
March 28, 2020
Founded in March 2023, Agribusiness Logistics & Tech Company Limited (ALOT) is a dynamic enterprise, a South Sudanese private company limited by shares, spearheaded by women visionaries Suzy Emmanuel, Sarah Lurit, Nighty Lucia, Golda Julius, among others.

Based in the bustling city of Juba, South Sudan, our company is aiming to be at the forefront of general trading, supply chain management, and agribusiness innovations. With a dedicated team of five, non-executive, employees, we are committed to delivering excellence across a diverse range of services including electronics supply, agricultural tools, travel agency operations, logistics, events management, and ICT services. The company was incorporated in Juba on 24/3/2023, with the registration number 43,384, and it is situated at its head office in Juba, at Suk Wewe, Kololo/Pope road. ALOT is also an accredited member of South Sudan Chamber of Commerce.

ALOT`s team comprises of skillful business professionals with extensive and practical experience in different areas, including engineering, ICT, entrepreneurship, management, and logistics.

The objects for which the company is established and which shall be pursued by the company on its incorporation are:

a) To procure, prepare procurement documents and facilitate procurement of goods and services, including preparation of bidding documents, procurement plans, evaluation of bids and sorting of bidders; and to do procurement business, including purchase, supply, delivery, resupply or redelivery, through air, land or water transportation, of all types of goods and items, whether in a national, regional, continental, international, cross-border or transnational business, and, otherwise, to manage, draft, repare, negotiate, select, reject or approve, on its own or on anyone behalf, quotations, tenders, bidding documents or processes, bidding criteria, proposals, plans, strategies and partnerships and MOUs.

b) To manage tendering process, including tender interview, preparation of tender documents, award of tenders and post management of tender and to manage logistics and performance of logistics contracts, including management of delivery, supply, logistics or logistical preparations, expedition, and payments for such products and services.

c) To manage all types of contracts and agreements, including drafting, negotiating, renegotiation, storage, filing, disposition, execution, advisory, discharge, termination, restructuring, modification, renewal, amendment, risk monitoring and mitigation, through any means and manner.

d) To identify, select, approve or do consultancies for market prices, suitability of brands or suppliers and review of quality of goods and services; and to act on anyone behalf to select vendors, establish payment terms, vet, select, negotiate, prepare, draft, formalize, sort and approve contracts, purchase orders, guarantees, term sheets, credits, letter of credits, bonds, insurance terms, bill of ladings and all types of commercial documents; and to outsource goods and services, negotiate terms and conditions for outsourcing goods and services, including repair, maintenance and operation services, as well as to conduct market research or identify sources for commodities and services.

e) To import, export, provide, supply, purchase and sell all the things mentioned in these objects in South Sudan and any other country or countries.

f) To buy, sell, manufacture, alter, repair, improve, exchange, hire, let on hire, manipulate, treat, prepare for market, export, and generally deal in plant, machinery, apparatus, tools, utensils, commodities, products, materials, merchandise, articles and things whatsoever which may be found convenient in carrying out any of the objects of the company, and generally to carry on business as merchants, importers and exporters.

g) To design, compile, code, process data and develop computer and/ or electronic programs or software or application requisites for use or application as either custom, standard application or customized software developers or computer programming professionals, specialists or experts of electronic or computer software or, micro-computer products, installing the software programs/systems, training users, software or application maintenance and engineering or otherwise engaging in a full and complete software or application development cycle requisite in a software development or industry.

h) To develop, operate and maintain electronic or computer communications, programs or software for the transmission, storage, reproduction distribution, exchange, dissemination or retrieval of business information and online collections and compilation of full text, videos and audios for marketing and advertising purposes.

i) To develop, establish, operate and maintain electronic data, information, instructions communications and technological solutions by using artificial intelligent, software or applications or any other tech for businesses and services in all fields of works, industries and business sectors, whether for global communications network of data basis, bulletin boards, electronic news, electronic publishing services and information services or otherwise worldwide and global data information or resource material transmission, storage, transmission and retrieval system, and to establish, operate and maintain an information technology center for media and related works.

j) To facilitate and undertake the advancement, development, promotion, transmission and preservation of media works and marketing outputs, career or professional training, instruction, learning, teaching,or research in all media, electronic and computer related technology or otherwise cyber technology.

k) To operate and run a business of internet service providers, designing of websites and provision of services for surfing the internet and all other related internet services.

l) To carry on business as dairy, plant, and animal food producers, apiarists, food dealers, producers, manufacturers, processors, preservers, and packers, whether as foodstuffs, of all descriptions, for human or animal, whether for feeding or improvement of body, for medication or cosmetics, or for any other use, including baked, extruded, dried, grinded, soy, diary, pastry, confectioned, concocted, textured, frozen, processed, purified, liquidized, solidified foods and condiments, whether produce from fruits, vegetables, oil, eggs, meats, milk, honey, plant roots, cereals, spices, herbs, and all other known and unbeknown food products, whether from leaf, stem, roots, flowers, bark, seeds, and animal, insects and birds, including other nutrients.

m) To manufacture, buy, sell, prepare for market and deal in farinaceous foods of all kinds and in particular biscuits, breads, cakes and, confectionery and foods of every description.

n) To carry on business as manufacturers of, and importers and exporters of agricultural, farm, garden and diary produce, provisions, stores and merchandise of all kinds, including processed foods, natural and synthetic milk, casein and its allied products, and all products and substances of any description derived by processing, manipulation or treatment of agricultural, farm, garden and diary produce in any manner.

o) To manufacture, process, prepare, preserve, refine, bottle, buy, sell and deal whether as wholesaler or retailers or as exporters or importers or as Principals or agents or as keepers or dealers in purified water and all kinds of milk products, including Cheese, Butter, Ice creams, Baby foods, Instant foods and any by-products or co-products thereof and to carry on the business and setting up of Dairy Farms, Milk Processing Plants, Food Processing Plants, Cold Storage Plants, Research laboratories, Packing units, Bottling Plants and to manufacture and deal in all kinds and varieties of foods for human or animal consumption.

p) To carry on the business of Manufacturers, Millers, Grinders, Rollers, Processors, Tankers, Packers and Preserves, and dealers of all foods from agriculture products, Dairy products, Horticulture and Poultry products, Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Meats, Processed meat scanned and tinned and processed foods, fast foods, processed fish and sea foods, frozen foods, health and instant foods of all kinds, including baby and dietic foods, cereals, beverages, restoratives and aerated mineral waters and food stuffs and consumable provisions and to extract by-products, derivatives food preparations of every kind and description.

q) To aid, assist, promote, develop and manufacture agricultural implements, agricultural machinery and other equipments and technological development in equipments used in agricultural field and to organise, conduct, or manage engineering or repair shop or workshops of all description and to manufacture, import, export, buy, sell, or otherwise deal in, agricultural machinery, of all kinds and to adopt such means of making known the uses thereof.

r) To carry on the business of general trading, supply, distribution and investment Company, in all kinds and description of goods, of dealer, trader, importer and exporter, agency, and contractor, buying and selling agents, and brokers, and to buy, sell, or otherwise trade and deal in goods, produce, articles and merchandise of all types.

s) To carry on either alone or in common with others the business of commerce and general trade of goods, industrial products, agricultural products, minerals and general products of any kind and denomination, either on a cash basis or on credit, or on hire purchase or against any other consideration and to carry on the business of commission agents or brokers in any kind of trading transactions, for imports, exports, purchases, sales, exchanges of goods, industrial products, building materials, office equipment and supplies, agricultural products, minerals and products of any kind.

t) To carry on the business of direct selling, reselling, and general merchandise, and to carry on the business of creator, innovator, designer, purchaser, whole-seller, retailer, distributor, trader, exchanger, fabricator, modifier and service-center of all services and goods of every description.

u) To carry on the business as carriers of passengers, goods or cargo of any description by land, air, railway and water as shipping, chartering, hirers, clearing and forwarding agents, customs clearing agents, transport agents and contractors, freighter, lighter men, stevedores, harbingers, cargo superintendents, packers and haulers, as proprietors of cars, coaches, wagons, lorries, buses, taxis, airplanes, garages, warehouses and workshops for the better carrying out of the above objectives; and to establish and carry on tourist agency, travel bureau, booking office and to generally facilitate traveling, and to provide own and operate facilities of every description for tourists and travelers by providing all travel and tourist conveniences such as booking for travel tickets, accommodation, lodging, eating and drinking, transport, and providing guides, safe deposits, inquiry bureau, libraries, baggage transport and any other work incidental thereto.

v) To purchase or by any other lawful means acquire and take options over any property whatever, and any rights or privileges of any kind over or in respect of any property.

w) To purchase or otherwise acquire and hold, own, licence, maintain, work, exploit, farm, cultivate, use, develop, improve, sell, let, surrender, exchange, hire, convey or otherwise deal in lands, mines, natural resources, and minerals, timber and water rights, wherever situate, and any franchises, rights, licences or privileges, and to collect, manage, invest, reinvest, adjust,and in any manner dispose of the income, property, profits and interest arising therefrom.

x) To do all petroleum activities directly or indirectly, as engineers or consultants, including all activities associated with exploration, exploration drilling, production, transportation, utilisation and decommissioning, and including planning of such activities.

y) To use, exercise, develop and grant licenses in respect of or otherwise turn to account any such patents, brevets d’invention, licenses, and the like and information aforesaid.

z) Further, to carry on any other business that may seem profitable to the company.

aa) To equip expeditions and commissions, and to employ and remunerate experts and other agents in connection there with a view to secure any of the objects of the company.

bb) To promote or form any company or companies for the purpose of acquiring all or any part of the property and rights and of undertaking any of the liabilities of or the company, or of undertaking any business or operations or for any other purpose which may appear likely directly or indirectly to assist or benefit this company, or to acquire and undertake the whole or any part of the business, property and liabilities of other persons or companies by paying or contributing towards the preliminary expenses there of or providing the whole or part of the capital there of, or by taking shares therein or by lending money thereto upon debentures or otherwise.

cc) To amalgamate or enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, unions of interests, joint adventure, reciprocal concession or co-operation with any person or company carrying on or engaged in, or about to carry on or engage in any business or transaction capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit the company.

dd) Generally, to purchase, to take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any real or personal property, and any rights or privileges which the company may think necessary or convenient with reference to any of these objects, or capable of being profitably dealt with in connection with any of the company’s property or rights for the time being.

ee) To sell the undertaking of the company or any part thereof for such consideration as the company may think fit, and in particular for shares, debentures or securities of any other company having objects altogether or in part similar to those of the company.

ff) To purchase, acquire, assist, finance, carry on, conduct and manage any or every of the businesses of bankers, financiers, money changers, company promoters, underwriters, explorers, concessionaires, agents, commissioners, collectors, brokers, dealers, trustees, safe deposit keepers, executors, delegates, treasures, secretaries, engineers, builders, contractors, shipbuilders, manufacturers, merchants, millers, tanners, bakers, warehouse, gas, and electrical engineers, dealers in building materials, motor carriage and cycle makers, miners, colliery owners, quarry owners, hotel proprietors, storekeepers, farmers, stock-keepers, and other business customary to the aforementioned (except life assurance).

gg) To invest and deal in Bitcoins and Blockchain and on anything with the moneys of the company not immediately required upon such securities and in such manner as may from time to time be determined.

hh) To enter into contracts, agreements or arrangements with governments, organizations, corporations, trade unions and any other legal entity or private individuals, and to obtain from any of them all reports, concessions and privileges that may be deemed conducive to the company’s objects or any of them.

ii) To raise or borrow, or secure, at the discretion of the directors, the payment of money for any purposes of the company in such manner and on such terms as may seem expedient, and in particular at such discretion as aforesaid, by the issue of debentures or debenture stock, perpetual or redeemable mortgages or other securities, whether perpetual or otherwise, and charged or not charged upon the whole or any part of the property of the company (both present and future), and all or any of the uncalled capital for the time being of the company.

jj) To obtain any permit, authorization, license, decree, law, provisional order or act of parliament for enabling the company to carry any of its objects into effect, or for effecting any modification, consolidation of the company’s memorandum, or to carry any activity or otherwise, specific work of any kind, or for any purpose which may seem conducive, and to oppose any proceedings or applications which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to prejudice the company’s interests.

kk) To employ, or engage and pay employees, consultants and professional or other advisers, including lecturers, readers, examiners, teaching staff, and administrative staff; and to make reasonable provision for the payment of pensions and other retirement benefits to or on behalf of employees and their spouses and dependents.

ll) To make, draw, accept, indorse, discount, execute and issue cheques, credit notes, circular notes, bills of exchange, promissory notes, debentures, bills of lading and other negotiable or transferable instruments or securities.

mm) To sell, let, enfranchise, improve, manage, develop, lease, mortgage, exchange, surrender, convert, dispose of, turn to account or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property and rights of the company in such manner as the directors may deem fit.

nn) To expend money in experimenting upon and testing and in improving or securing any process or patent or protecting any invention which the company may acquire or propose to acquire or deal with.

oo) To divide or distribute among the members any shares or securities belonging to the company or any of the assets of the company in specie, or any proceeds of sale or disposal of any property of the company, and for such purpose to distinguish and separate capital from profits, but so that no distribution amounting to a reduction of capital be made except with the sanction (if any) for the time being required by law.

pp) To purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake all or any part of the business, property and liabilities of any person or company carrying on the any business in any part of the world which this company is authorized to carry on, or possessed of property suitable for the purpose of the company.

qq) To pay out of the funds of the company, either in cash, fully-paid shares or otherwise, all the cost, charges and expenses of all parties of and incidental to the promotion, formation and registration of the company and of any other company and the issue of its share capital, and generally all preliminary expenses whatever, incurred in relation to the company including registration, legal expenses, printing, advertising and the establishment of agencies of the company, and obtaining the subscription of the shares or debentures thereof, including so far as permissible by law all brokerage, commissions, discounts and other remunerations to any person, firm or company as consideration for subscribing or agreeing to subscribe, whether absolutely or conditionally, or procuring or guaranteeing or agreeing to procure or guarantee subscriptions, whether absolute or conditional, for, or for underwriting, placing, selling or otherwise disposing of any shares, debentures or other securities or property of the company or any other company, or for procuring or obtaining settlement for services rendered in and about the matters aforesaid, or in and about the conduct of the company’s business or of any other company in which the company may be interested, and to enter into any contract for any of the purposes hereof.

rr) To transfer to or otherwise cause to be vested in any company, person, all or any of the property of the company to be held in trust for the company, or on such trust for working, developing or disposing of the same as may be considered expedient.

ss) To establish and support or aid in the development and support of associations, institutions or conveniences calculated to benefit persons employed by the company or having dealing with the company, and to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects or for any exhibition or for any public, general or useful object.

tt) To lend money and issue warrants to such persons and on such terms as may seem expedient, and in particular to customers of and ersons having dealings with the company, and to give any guarantee or indemnity that may seem expedient, and to receive moneys and valuables on deposit, and to transact any part of the business of a banker which may seem expedient.

uu) To apply for, subscribe to, accept, purchase, acquire, hold, sell, and exchange any ordinary, preferred, deferred, or other shares and any stock, bond, debenture, mortgage, or other security in any company, corporation or government.

vv) To issue any share of the company at par, or at a premium, or as fully or in part paid up.

ww) To give the call of shares and to confer any preferential or special right to the allotment of shares on such terms and in such manner as may seem expedient.

xx) To allot any of the shares of the company credited as fully or partly paid up or the bonds and debentures of the company, as the whole or part of the purchase price for any property purchased by the company or for any valuable consideration.

yy) To do all or any of the above things in the Republic of South Sudan or on the continent Africa, or elsewhere in any part of the world, and either as principals, agents, trustees, contractors or otherwise, and either alone or in conjunction with others, and either by or through agents, sub-contractors, trustees or otherwise.

zz) To promote, institute, enter into, carry on, assist or participate in any and every description of financial, commercial, mercantile, industrial, manufacturing, mining and agency business, works, contracts, undertakings and operations of all kinds at the discretion of the directors or the sole director.

aaa) To do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects, and so that the word ‘company’ in this clause shall be deemed to include any partnership or other body of persons, whether incorporated or not, or whether domiciled in South Sudan or elsewhere, and the intention is that the objects set forth in the different paragraphs of this clause shall be in no wise limited
or restricted by reference to or influence from the terms of any other paragraph of the same clause, or
the name of the company.
Copyright 2023 © ALOT Co. Ltd